Looking out into the universe I see myself looking back;
I am the universe, and the universe is me.
In this way, I am enormous and tiny at the same time;
My place and purpose in the universe is, then, both enormous and tiny.
I am a contradiction, just as the universe is;
Life, death, light, and dark, define us both.
Today, on this new dawn, I rejoice that I am the universe, and that the universe is me;
Together we are one, and as one we are strong.
We can resist any onslaught, we can support those that need it;
We can bear injustice, and we can work towards peace.
And there is nothing in the universe that can change that.
Peace, love, and strength to you all.
The Ancestral Medicine Women, 2016.
Channelled by Caroline Allinson-Dunn