Ancestral Medicine Women

Author - Brad Dunn / Hinorayam

Resilience Adaptability and Sovereignty

Resilience Adaptability and Sovereignty Image thanks – Simon Matzinger, CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons (transcript) So welcome, we are The Ancestral Medicine Women and have a few things that we can talk about that are very related to the...

Shattering Expectations – Your own...

Transcription to come. Shattering Expectations is your own unique journey. Sometimes you’ll need this malleability, where you create and flow, where others can’t hold onto you. Others lose their grip, and you start to flow and adapt...

Domestic Violence – Our suggestion for...

Domestic violence is stopped at the family level. When the family men and women stand up and say this is my experience, this sharing is the start of energy being able to move in the spirit of the family. Sharing in a family-wide forum: A lot of...

Modernise yourself | Shattering Expectations...

(lightly edited transcript) Welcome we are the Ancestral medicine Women and this is the continuation of our talks about our theme for this year “Shattering Expectations”. If you have listened to any of our other talks, when we are...

Courage to shatter expectations –...

(Transcription) —- Welcome, we are the Ancestral Medicine Women. We thank you so much for listening to us. We have a ‘Theme Of The Year’: of ‘Shattering Expectations’ and we are doing talks every now and then on different...

Jan 2021 – How and where is the human...

Beyond COVID-19, but not diminishing it in anyway. Points include: We should see shift in where people look for leadership and uplifting events Change in a shift of leadership Recalibration of the human group towards self-leadership that may...

Shattering Expections Explained- Series...

Our message for 2021 is about this idea of shattering expectations, ones that aren’t your own, we are talking about familial, societal, and generational expectations. Who are you without those expectations? Imagine how much you could jump...

Our message for 2021 – Shattering...

This is The Ancestral Medicine Women and we would like to welcome everybody to the year twenty, twenty one. The year of 2020 has been significant and an interesting year for everybody on this planet. The year of 2021 has that potential as...

The dual-state in journeying &...

(lighted edited transcript) Welcome this is Mother Sha-Riah and we would like to talk of something quite momentous actually, but also quite a small thing, and this is the idea of a ‘Dual State’. We have found that the Dual State often...

What is the biggest threat to your community...

A friend said the other day that they woke up to the news on TV saying that America had fallen. Around us we see human rights are being fought for, but in the doing so we seem to be losing other rights. Everywhere the media is spreading fear...

Weekend Medicine Circle – Peace and Power

So welcome. In our last circle, we looked at this idea of peace, but not just this peace where there is a calmness within and there is this beautiful feeling of bliss and ‘harmony’, but actually there is this idea where peace with brought...

Elder energy.

It’s an energy. It’s not wisdom from the pulpit or a soapbox. It’s not a position of power. It’s an energy. People come and talk with you or near you. You’re not in a rush. You can hear the story out. You can see...

COVID-19 Medicine Circle – April 26...

From last Sunday’s Circle. * * * Welcome this is Mother Sha-Riah. Every week now we are having on-line Medicine Circle and we choose a different theme or concept or energy, perhaps is the better word to journey on in an effort to create...

Lockdown resilience hidden in your...

Welcome, this is Mother Sha-Riah   As some of you know we are having our Circle almost weekly now as we are so distant from each other. It is an opportunity for people to come together to create an energy of community and an energy of...

Lockdown – Use of your imagination...

To live in lockdown conditions for extended periods can affect the human. Using all the assets available to the human, can help them get through limited times, but also to be in the best shape to adapt to an expanded sense of living after...

Image thanks to Mikel Ortega from Errenteria, Basque Country, Spain, with a retouche by Richard Bartz. See the original file here. / CC BY-SA (

Isolation in Corona Time – Corona...

Transcription (audio at bottom) This is a long talk about self care in the time of COVID-19 isolation and how to make the most of it, learning more about yourself, your gifts and gifts in nature and those people around you. Mind -physical...

How to POSITIVELY respond to the different...

This is a transcript. How to respond to the different energy peaks in the COVID-19 Corona Virus pandemic. The main points of this talk are: What do you want from this opportunity? What energies really need your focus Main peaks that...

Do your own path, not another’s

“I had understood something: The own way is for everyone the right one. Any deviation from it alienates him from himself, from his satisfaction, his strength and his deepest bliss. Basically one has no choice as following their own path...

The Healing Crisis – The test:...

(transcription) When we say this welcome, it is from The Ancestral Medicine Women and many blessings to you. There are two things for us that are really important for the healing journey. One of them is the Processing and the Processing Time...

Shining your light in dark times is your work

And you say under you breath, “Oh, but I’m nothing.” We say you do not know the enormity of who you are. Everyone is unique, stop looking to others for what might be inside. Stop looking for others, or outside, to validate...

What is my purpose?

(Transcription) “It’s interesting when people ask that question because they assume that it is something that can be given to them, something that is outside of them, something that will appear before them, but the purpose of the human...

Creating the space for a meaningful life

(transcript) Welcome, this is the Ancestral Medicine Women and many blessings to you all, thank you for listening. And we wanted to do a short talk today on something that is often asked of us, and that something is that people want us to...

The Coalition of the Willing

(transcript) Welcome, this is the Ancestral Medicine Women and many blessings to you all, thank you for listening. So, we have been talking recently, for a long time but more robustly recently about doing your work and knowing what your work is...

A Shamanic perspective on drought

(Lightly Edited Transcription) Image Thanks to Tim Dry sowing near Junee [CC BY-SA 2.0 ] Many blessings from The Ancestral Medicine Women, thank you for reading. So, we have been asked a question about the drought and what the Shamanic...

To do your work!

“To do your work.” (Transcription) —————– Welcome, this is The Ancestral Medicine Women and many blessings to you all, thank you for listening. Something we want to talk about and it is a topic that we...

So how do we protect our women and girls...

Right now we see attacks on women and their reproductive rights, especially as a result of rape, from the public, and then law makers and so on. This is a question asked by a client that is happy to share this with the public. : Play in new...

Writing as a weapon

This is a old clip from way back. If you feel the energy in it the Mothers (AMW) are calling people to take action as it’s needed. Whether it’s writing, photography or some other creative endeavour now is a good time to push...

Our Message For 2019

This is a message about you, us, the human group, the planet. It is about becoming stronger, bigger, broader and wiser. It is about knowing when to take action, when to compromise and when to accept responsibility for you, your choices and your...

Cairns Shamanic Circle- 2018 –...

An audio by Mother Sha-Riah stating the over-all intention for this circle in 2018. We meet in Cairns at the Cairns Spiritual Centre. See event times here on Facebook. : Play in new window | Download

Becoming a wise woman/man – 3...

A general question from our community is answered. Quick links to expand on this example: Totem Journey work Healing Animal Guides : Play in new window | Download

Our message for 2018

Transcript of recording:  1st January 2018, on a super moon with morning birdsong. Welcome all of you to this very new year, 2018. We are the Ancestral Medicine Women, and we welcome you not only to the year, but to our talk right now. Thank...

A Tribute to Empaths

From our Empathic Path Series —————————- As I walked home today I met an angel. We didn’t stop to talk, it just fell in step beside me and walked along with me. I don’t know how...

Shamanic Post: The Symbolism of Weather

Dear Seekers, What a gift to be able to commune with you all in this way, thank you. We would like to talk to you about weather, what weather means symbolically for the shaman, how to read its meaning into the larger picture of life, and what...

I am the universe and the universe is me

Looking out into the universe I see myself looking back; I am the universe, and the universe is me. In this way, I am enormous and tiny at the same time; My place and purpose in the universe is, then, both enormous and tiny. I am a...

A vision for shamanic healing in the Western...

A vision for shamanic healing in the Western Medical System – a perspective from the Naturistic Shamanic Tradition. So, if you are a Shaman and you enter into, let’s say, a hospital where there are people have had operations, maybe they...

Getting to happiness joy peace and love, via...

This is a recording introducing our blog back in 2016. It arrives at finding happiness, joy, peace and love…. and excitement. There is a challenge/exercise at the end. This is a pearl, we hope you can get to it, but you’ve got to...

The Crone Zone – Exercise

The Crone Zone Exercising is nourishing and necessary for the body. It is the same, as reading a book to expand the mind, or having a good belly laugh with friends to satisfy emotional well being, or meditating to quieten and uplift the soul...

Newsletter: January 2016

In this newsletter: Message from the Mothers An Amazing Herb for the Month – a DNA enhancer Meet Caroline – Caroline’s Corner.   Message from the Mothers January, 2016 “Are your gifts and specialness now, here for...

Abundance consciousness is limiting

When humans can get over their obsession with abundance, they will be able to get on with their existence and the myraid of existences in each life. Then we hear, “oh but Mothers, my need for abundance is all about more love, more joy...

Radio Show – Medium at Large –...

Listen to Medium Julie MacDonald talk with Caroline, Brad and the Mothers. An emotional talk at times… about “the energies of clearing.”   Meet Julie here: and here:     Our Julie!   : Play in new window |...

Crone Zone – Talk No.3 – Leading...

This is the last talk in the three part series – The Crone Zone.  And aims to help people be the best, in the best time of their life.       : Play in new window | Download

Living in the Now – Part 2 of 3...

If you are getting thoughts in the present from things that have gone on in the past (not just in your past but the past in general), perhaps you are thinking that all you want is to live a simpler life, or you want to go back to a time where...